Friday, October 26, 2007 |
Career Shift? |
From the bumbling & wide-eyed incube at SVI Connect that I was back in January 2k3, I have come a long way. Back then, I was an aspiring telemarketer hoping to succeed in a field that was totally new to me. And to some extent, I did succeed. (If you consider still calling for the program a success.) Out of 18 (or was it 19?) souls that started training for, I am among the 4 survivors still calling for the program today.
That amazing longevity is a testament to my ability as a telemarketer. And with the countless number of awards, commendations & commissions I accumulated, you can say I know this campaign very well. And they say, familiarity breeds contempt. Yes, despite the successes & the very good pay, it is not an indicator of my satisfaction with my job. Truth be told, I don't like my job. And let me tell you why.
1. I hate the schedule. I work the graveyard shift. The schedule is fine if you're still single. But when you're married like me & your wife having a regular day job, it's tough. Not to mention going to work when there's a typhoon or a coup d'etat or when everybody else is enjoying another of the numerous economic holidays that we have or missing out on a gimik with friends. I'm pretty sure you see the picture.
2. Challenge. I've come to a point in my career where I feel like I'm no longer growing as a person. Doing the same thing day in & day out will do that to you. Sure everybody who has been on the same job for a significant number of years experiences this. But try imagining yourself staring at a computer monitor for 8 hours & calling 400-500 businesses in a day and delivering the same spiel to those same 400-500 calls. it's like that every day. It really becomes monotonous after a while.
3. Politics. They say that all organizations have politics. But in sales organizations like ours, it is way beyond normal. Ours is an environment that fosters cutthroat competition & excellence. And because of this, sniping, backbiting, rumor-mongering for the benefit of one's self is norm rather than the exception. And throughout the years, I've been victimized by these people a lot of times. I've had enough of this sh*t already.
These are the major reasons why I don't like my job. And I really think I had a career shift. That is why I'm giving in to Chabs' suggestion that I should take up graduate studies for me to be able to pursue my passion; teaching. Yes, I'm willing to leave behind a job that has been so good to me & I have invested a lot of time on for something that I love. Call me crazy. Call me what you will. I just want to be normal again. |
posted by Vince @ Friday, October 26, 2007  |
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Name: pearli
Home: Philippines
About Me: wife, driven. master of multi tasking, fun and loving, sweet and innocent.
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